John Dixon 

6th March 2016
I was a very sickly baby when I was born 65 years ago and spent most of my childhood going in and out of different hospitals having serious operations to improve and save my life

When I was old enough, my granny and grandad put me into boarding school to help with my education as I had missed so much schooling. I did not have much of a relationship with my mum, dad, or brother and felt like an outsider - but I really hated boarding school!

At the age of 15, I was admitted to King's College Hospital for major surgery which carried quite a number of risks with only a 50% chance of success! On the day of my operation, I went into the Chapel and sat praying - although I hadn't, at that time, given my life to the Lord! I prayed for a healthier and normal life and I did leave the Chapel feeling peaceful

My next memory is that during my operation I seemed to be looking down at myself and my parents and grandparents were around my bed. The operation was classed as 60% successful and following this I gave my life to the Lord as I knew he had heard my prayers and answered them

When I was first born, I was not expected to live past 40 - 45years of age but last weekend I celebrated my 65th birthday!

I have had many ups and downs during my 65 years - don't we all! But each step of the way Jesus has walked beside me 

Praise our Lord!"