Members' Meetings 

As a Baptist Church, we believe that each local church has the liberty to collectively discern what God is saying to us and in what direction God may be leading us. This stems from the understanding that where two or three are gathered in the name of Jesus, they are reassured that Jesus, through his Holy Spirit, is present among them (Matthew 18:20). The way this is practically carried out is at church members' meetings

These take place at least 4 times per year, and offer an opportunity to consider and review matters related to church life. All from the congregation are invited to attend an contribute to discussion, although only church members may vote on matters
Once per year an Ordinary Church Members’ Meeting includes the Annual Church Members’ Meeting. Here the Church Members receive annual accounts and reports, appoint Auditors or Independent Examiners, and consider proposals for the strategy and vision of the church in the coming year, along with other appropriate matters
next meeting will be a General Meeting on Wednesday 31st July 2024 at 7pm